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Preventative Maintenance Schedule


Technical Fitness have the best preventative maintenance schedule in the industry. They have developed a schedule that includes and exceeds the manufacturers maintenance guide. The schedule is designed to keep your equipment working safely, efficiently and to limit the frequency of repairs. It also aims to detect any wearing parts before they create major servicing issues, this is achieved through regular maintenance, calibration, lubrication and inspections of all components on your equipment.

All fitness equipment has a manufacturers suggested preventative maintenance schedule, which should be performed from the day you receive your equipment. We offer 4 levels of preventative maintenance schedules, these are customised to fit your requirements and budget. We also work with you on what you need to do between our visits to ensure that your equipment is properly maintained before our next visit.


Technical Fitness believe that regular servicing of your fitness equipment will minimise costs to you in the long run. Some of the benefits of keeping your equipment regularly serviced include:

  • Lower repair costs on older equipment
  • Early detection of potential issues with your equipment
  • Find wearing parts while still under warranty
  • Always in operation and reducing down time
  • Lower operating costs, reducing power consumption
  • Create a safe working environment limiting potential liability
  • Higher motivation (client retention for commercial gyms)
  • Greater ROI (longer operating life for equipment)

Levels of Preventative Maintenance

Level 1: For equipment still under warranty or on a budget

  • Safety and operations inspection
  • Friction tested
  • Lubricated and adjusted to manufacturers specifications
  • Undercover inspection
  • Clean and amp test for treadmills only

Level 2: For equipment 12+ months old

This level assists with identifying & troubleshooting internal wearing parts before they create problems.

  • Safety and operations inspection
  • Friction tested
  • Lubricated and adjusted to manufacturers specifications
  • Wipe down of dust and lint outside of all equipment
  • Amp test
  • Thoroughly clean inside of treadmills 1-3 monthly and other cardio and strength equipment at 6-12 monthly

Level 3

  • Safety and operations inspection
  • Friction tested
  • Lubricated and adjusted to manufacturers specifications
  • Wipe down of dust and lint outside of all equipment
  • Amp test
  • Thoroughly clean inside of treadmills 1-3 monthly and other cardio and strength equipment at 6-12 monthly

Level 4: Once per 12-18 months

  • Safety and operations inspection
  • Friction tested
  • Lubricated and adjusted to manufacturers specifications
  • Wipe down of dust and lint outside of all equipment
  • Thoroughly clean inside and outside of all your equipment


At Technical Fitness we strive for excellence and customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. Our experience staff are dedicated to providing the best service possible at the best price. This is why there are no lock-in contracts, only agreements, which are completely transparent to all customers. Our technicians work on an hourly rate so that they can spend as much time as needed to assist you with your equipment. If you would prefer us to quote you a set fee we can do this, please note that any additional repairs not covered by the maintenance agreement will be bought to your attention prior to any repairs being made.

The maintenance agreement is to inspect and adjust your equipment and does not cover replacement of major parts (some smaller parts are included.) If you require bearing, belts, batteries or cables, we will notify you and ask for your consent to replace these and you will only pay for the extra time required to fit them and not a recall fee.

To ensure that there is as little down time as possible Technical Fitness make sure that their service vehicles are stocked and if there is an occasion where we do not have the item a re-call fee is available. Our main priority is the safety of your equipment and prevention of major repairs.

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